_a letter of motivation (1 page);
_a compelling portfolio with 1 to 3 projects (max. 10 pages and 10 MB);
_short CV (max 2 pages);
_one letter of recommendation from current or recent professors/supervisors/tutors (max. 1 page each)
_to be submitted to: by 24 July 2019, 12 PM (noon), CET;
Aapplications from participants of the DAAD Spring School "Future Urban Africa" (April/ May 2019) are highly encouraged to apply!
Publication of call for applications
24.07.2019 Application deadline
Selection and notification of successful applicants
Start of DAAD Fall School
Travel to Zeway
Travel to Addis Abeba
Final presentation at the EiABC-AAU and end of DAAD Fall School
The Fall School will mainly take place at EiABC-AAU in Addis Abeba and partly in Zeway (field research). Travel costs must be covered by the participants themselves. The EiABC-AAU may provide travel subsidies
Ms. Ute Vees,
DAAD Fall School "African Urbanity. Exploring the Region of Zeway in the Context of Rapid Urbanization"
30.09.2019 – 10.10.2019
Despite of the fact that Ethiopia’s urban population share is one of the lowest in the world and well below the sub-Saharan Africa average, it is growing fast. The shift from rural to urban is said to be a dramatic change in culture and lifestyle. As the dynamics and processes of urbanization in Africa are unique, “African Urbanity” is not yet explored. If the city is to be seen as a place to promote social interaction and relate people to their environment, urbanity may have the potential to fulfil that purpose. Looking into the case of Ethiopia is a chance to understand the characteristics and potential of the African city.
The Fall School African Urbanity. Exploring the Region of Zeway in the Context of Rapid Urbanization will discuss, investigate, and propose future ideas for the region. Participants will work in cross-cultural Ethiopian-German groups on both local identities and global challenges. The DAAD Fall School, a cooperation between ABK Stuttgart and EiABC-AAU Addis Abeba, aims to encourage future professionals in the fields of urban design and planning, landscape architecture and architecture in critical, discursive and inclusive urban design thinking to productively guide the upcoming transformations.